Your best E-Waste Management Partner

+91-11-4000-0000 | +91-97-007-97-007 | 1800-102-5679

15 years
Woman Entrepreneur


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Pledge Registration

I do Pledge that…

  • I will use environment-friendly electronic gadgets and devices.
  • I will dispose my E-Waste responsibly through a responsible recycler.
  • I will promote E-Waste management with myself, my family, in my locality, my city or village and at my workplace.
  • I will spread awareness about E-Waste management to protect the human health and environment.
  • I will work towards making India E-Waste free.
  • I will find ways to transform ‘Waste into Wealth’.
  • I will encourage 10 other people to take this pledge which I am taking today.
  • I will spread the message of ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.’
Please feel free to ask your question

In case you have any clarification to seek about EWRI’s services, please send this form.  We shall get back to you in no time.

Let's schedule your E-waste pick-up